The Arlington Catholic Bridge Academy is a program for students who have completed 8th grade but may require additional skill building before high school. The program will provide an enriching curriculum, which will build up the previous 8th grade coursework. Students at the Bridge Academy will be a part of the vibrant Arlington Catholic school community, while remaining apart for purposes of instruction. This program was developed to serve the unique needs of these students, and bridge the gap to high school.
To apply to the Bridge Academy you need to create a FACTS Online Application Account by clicking here. Upon account creation, you will receive an email containing a verification link. Once your email address has been verified, log in to your account and Create A New Student Application for your child. You will then have the flexibility to log in and out of your account and access your open application. Complete the online application which includes a current teacher or guidance counselor recommendation.
Please contact Patricia Crane at with any questions you may have.
The Bridge Academy will build a student’s skills in content areas. The skills and content will, in many cases, allow the students to enroll in honors level courses in the ninth grade at Arlington Catholic. A typical Bridge Academy student will take the following courses:
English/Language Arts: By thinking deeply and critically about chosen texts across a variety of genres, students will develop skills in grammar, close reading, writing, and presenting.
Introduction to Catholic Christianity: An introduction to the teachings of the Catholic Church and an in-depth explanation of what it means to be Catholic. Topics include the Blessed Trinity, the Church, the Creed, Sacred Scripture, the Seven Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the lives of the Saints.
Integrated Science: Students will build lab, research, and study skills as they examine the basics of different fields of science. Based on student and instructor interest, these areas could include biology, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, or others.
Mathematics: All students will take either a specific Bridge Academy Math Course or Algebra 1, with students from the ninth grade.
Bridge Academy Math concentrates on two goals, to strengthen Pre-algebra concepts and build confidence in the foundational skills of Algebra 1. Formative assessments have shown weakness in areas involving fractions, translating literal equations and scientific notation. In preparation for ninth grade, students will be thoroughly drilled on solving complex equations, many methods of graphing lines, solving systems of equations and factoring trinomials.
Social Studies: Students will learn how to read and critically think about sources, from the present and the past, and will examine current events in light of the past. Students will, as in the English/Language Arts course, build their skills in reading, writing, and presenting. Participation in National History Day may be an avenue for students to demonstrate these skills.
World Language: Students will take Spanish 1, Latin 1, or French 1, at either the college-prep or honors level, with students from the ninth grade. Students will be given a foundation in their chosen language. Students may stick with a language they studied previously or may choose a new language that they will continue to study in the ninth grade.
Additional Courses: Arlington Catholic has a seven period schedule. In addition to the six courses above, a student in the Bridge Academy will also participate in physical education once a week, a course specifically geared towards study skills twice a week, and a study hall period once a week.
Tuition for 2025-2026: $15,000