Arlington Catholic Arts

The Arts at AC

The Arts at AC

The Art Department

 The spiral symbolizes Arlington Catholic's Art department. This universally positive symbol appears in the visual works of numerous cultures including Celtic art, Native American petroglyphs, Arabic architecture, Japanese rock gardens and African masks. It is also known to symbolize the evolutionary process of growing and learning. In terms of Spirituality, the spiral can represent the path from outer consciousness to the inner soul. As the arts are intrinsically valuable to all engaged learners, our classes integrate these various meanings as we begin the spiral journey with the basic principles of design and color theory. As our travel continues, students explore advanced artistic techniques and experiment with adding a deeper meaning to their work while applying their learned skills in creative problem solving, communication, and management of time and resources across academic subject areas. Just as the spiral may continue forever, our goal as an Art Department is to heighten curiosity and instill a life-long interest in all things creative.

Music at AC 

The study of music compliments the curriculum mission at ACHS.  Music is the universal language; a fundamental art form that spans the entire human experience. The mission of the ACHS music department is to provide students an understanding of the nature of the creative process. The program provides an avenue of learning for both the person who will be a consumer of music and the person who will be the maker of music. Through our curriculum we strive to equip students with the tools for lifelong appreciation of and participation in music. Arlington Catholic offers a variety of courses including: Choir, Advanced Choir, Liturgical Ensemble, Jam Session, Band, AP Music Theory, and Music Appreciation, a non-performance class that explores different styles of music through listening  and hands-on instrument playing. Students learn about the history of music, different instruments, and composers/ performers. In addition to the classes, there are formal and informal concerts throughout the year, including a Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, Coffee House and Open House, just to name a few.