Arlington Catholic Ministry



Student Life

Meet Alex

Class of 2022

Meet the Community

AC Alum Julia Marino ’10 was the first person to represent her home country of Paraguay in the winter Olympics at the 2014 Sochi Olympics

Key Facts


Service Hour Requirements

In keeping with our mission as a Catholic school and to living out our Core Values, students are required to complete community service hours each year. As part of their Theology course, students will reflect on their service from a Christian perspective.


Required Hours:

Bridge: 10 Hours

Grade 9: 20 hours

Grade 10: 20 hours

Grade 11: 10 hours

Grade 12: 10 hours


No more than half of the service hours may be accrued in service to the school (Orientation, Open House, Retreats, etc.) Service sites must be approved by the Campus Ministry office; the “Ministry” section of the school website lists approved locations and contacts. Students are strongly encouraged to find volunteer opportunities at their local parish, Saint Agnes Parish or Saint Agnes School. 


Students may choose to complete their service hours over the summer. All service must be completed no later than March 1st of each year; service hours for seniors must be completed by the end of the first quarter. Students will be required to submit their service through the RenWeb Family Portal to receive credit for their service. A sample of each grade’s service will be verified with the sponsoring location.


As Community Service is both essential to our mission as a Catholic school as well as a graduation requirement, students who do not complete the requirement may be ineligible to return to AC.  All service hours must be logged in the RenWeb Family Portal. This is done by clicking the Family section, changing the name at the top to the name of the student, clicking the "+" sign, and adding the necessary information.



Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry at Arlington Catholic High School is an integral part of school life.  The Campus Ministry program focuses on the spiritual development of each student.  Campus Ministry offers challenging and unique opportunities through which students, faculty and staff can deepen their understanding and experience of themselves as human persons and their faith as Christians.  We hope to enable each student to develop a deep and lasting commitment to their faith and serving others.

Campus Ministry activities are designed to promote prayer, both personal and communal, and individual reflection.

Educators in our school are called to live as Christian witnesses, who bring this living faith into their classrooms.  The religious formation of our students goes beyond the classroom.  



  • First Friday Masses
  • Freshmen Welcome Mass
  • Opening of School
  • All Saints Day
  • Immaculate Conception
  • Christmas
  • Catholic Schools Week
  • Saint Joseph’s Day
  • Ascension Thursday
  • Baccalaureate



  • Morning Prayer and Pledge
  • Advent and Lent Services and Reflections, for students and parents
  • Ash Wednesday Prayer Service


Examples of past and present programs

  • Outdoor Balloon Rosary
  • Greif Group
  • Denim Day 
  • Sophomore Grandparent's Day
  • Christmas Gifts Drive for the Mass. Coalition for the Homeless
  • Catholic Schools Week
  • Living Stations of the Cross
  • Lenten Food Drive
  • World Mission Rosary
  • Junior Ring Blessing
  • Pilgrimage for Life
  • Red Cross Blood Drive