Arlington Catholic High School Health Office

Health Office

Health Office

Student Life

AC In One Word

What is AC?

Meet the Community

Saint Agnes School is proud to offer a Learning Center with a full time special education teacher in order to meet the needs of students with Individualized Education Programs



Health Office

If during the day a student does not feel well they should come to the Health Office. Dismissal for Illness is made through the Health Office,  students should not call/text parents prior to going to the Health Office, this could result in disciplinary actions. No student is allowed to leave without Parent/Guardian permission.

Students who need inhaler or Epi-Pen may carry them with Doctor’s order in place in the Health Office. It is also advised that an extra inhaler or Epi-Pen be kept in the Health Office for emergencies.

 All medications (prescription and over the counter) to be given during the school day must be brought into the school Health office in the original container with a pharmacy label attached, if applicable. ALL medications are dispensed from the Nurses office during the school day.

All medications given must have Parent/Guardian permission. Doctor’s orders are required to be on file for prescription medications.

All injuries sustained either in school, at an AC event or out of school should be reported to the Health office as soon as possible accompanied by a Doctor’s note. This ensures that your student will receive the care and accommodations needed for the safety, wellbeing and success of your student.

Please contact the Health office if your student is sick with a contagious illness such as Strep, Flu, Conjunctivitis, Mononucleosis, etc. If your student has a medical or dental procedure/surgery that may impact their safety and wellbeing during the schoolday please contact the Health office as well. Students will need to bring a Medical/Doctors note upon return to school.

Pre-Participation Head Injury Form

Massachusetts state law requires that a Pre- Participation Head Injury form be completed by a parent prior to the start of each sports season, even if the student has never been diagnosed with a previous concussion. 

Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call.

Stacey Boczenowski
Health Office: 781 777-7018
Fax: 781 648-8345